SpLD HEAR Student Project
Well done to The SpLD HEAR group for successfully completing their project for 2014/15. Aimee, Jack, Beth, Jenny, Chris and Phill collaborated to set up the SpLD student society as a platform for breaking down stigma, offering peer support, and promoting the positives of learning differently. Their plans for the future include running workshops, a buddy email system, podcasts, and even a festival. Those who are continuing on to become senior project workers will be sharing their knowledge and experience through outreach activities in the local community.Here's what Jenny thought of the experience:
'So far, we have set up a SpLD society within the university to allow students to discuss different techniques and meet others with similar experiences to ours. After graduating in July, I have a position on Teach First to teach science to secondary students. I believe this project will help me in my future career path, as I have learnt new strategies for those with specific learning difficulties. I will continue to break down the stigma surrounding these difficulties and aid in the understanding of others about other SpLDs - which admittedly I knew little about before starting this project.'SpLD tutor (Chris Webb) with Chris.
The group enjoyed making new friends just as much as learning about each others specific learning differences, sharing strategies, and finding out how other departments in the university run. In the video clip below, Beth explains what she got out of being involved.
Although the project is recognised for the Higher Education Achievement Record, two of the students still wanted to be involved even though they started their degree courses before HEAR was introduced, simply because they saw it as an exciting and worthwhile opportunity. The students were all presented with a certificate to show our appreciation for their time and effort.
Chris presenting Aimee (President of the society) with her certificate.
What next?
In September we'll be launching the 2015/16 project. Aimee and Jack will be on hand to advise any of you who are interested in being involved, and will be able to pass on what they know in terms of the time commitment, group work and setting realistic goals. Beth is also keen to stay involved, despite being on placement in France next year. As secretary of the society she'll be attending meetings remotely via Skype!So watch this space, and look out for the society during Fresher's Week. We'll post updates on the next project, and links to the web page as soon as it's up and running.
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